The objective of the project is to develop a technical demonstration programme proposal that investigates whether the gas network can be re-purposed to deliver transport grade/high purity hydrogen for fuel cell vehicle applications. This includes development of a commercial scale hydrogen purification demonstration (will require a separate funding application) in order to determine whether a cost-effective purification solution can be developed which allows hydrogen to be supplied from the gas grid and used in hydrogen refueling stations for fuel cell vehicles.
The objective of the project is to develop a technical demonstration programme proposal that investigates whether the gas network can be re-purposed to deliver transport grade/high purity hydrogen for fuel cell vehicle applications. This includes development of a commercial scale hydrogen purification demonstration (will require a separate funding application) in order to determine whether a cost-effective purification solution can be developed which allows hydrogen to be supplied from the gas grid and used in hydrogen refueling stations for fuel cell vehicles.
For Hy4Transport to progress to the next stage of project development, funding needs to be secured. The aim of this document is therefore to justify the case for proceeding with Hy4Transport and provide information to enable industry stakeholders to support this concept. The deliverables from this project that will assist in facilitating the next stages of the project phases are outlined below:
• Robust options appraisal for what Hy4Transport should deliver – will ensure that the project is setup correctly from the outset to answer the key challenges industry face on hydrogen for transport and network purification. This will avoid changes and challenge to the project by stakeholders further on in the project and reduce the risk of the project not going ahead due to the wrong challenges been addressed.
• A clear definition of the problem statement and opportunity and justification for delivering Hy4Transport - Improved definition of problem statement to support future discussions of relevant technology with suppliers and gain industry support that this trial is worth funding by clearly highlighting the need in a succinct manger. This will lead to a consensus of opinion together forming around the key challenges associated with varying levels of hydrogen purity in the gas network and determine how they should be resolved.
• Agreed Hy4Transport scope and definition, detailed delivery structure and estimated costs, timescales and activities to be delivered – enables appropriate funders to be engaged now that a clear and robust plan has been developed, which will lead to an application being able to be submitted for funding, which in turn will lead to the next phase of the project and continue towards delivering a live hydrogen purification trial and answer the fundamental questions posed.
• Support from other GDNs and the ENA that purification is a high priority and Hy4Transport seeks to resolve this – Engagement with the ENA using the literature created will help to create a shared view amongst the GDNs and National Grid for a collective consensus on the best approach to address purity issues. This will lead to others key stakeholder supporting further development of this programme of work.
• Function specification created – which enabled potential trial locations and key stakeholders to be identified, priorities and top priority stakeholders engaged. A shortlist of trial locations have been formed which will lead to a quicker selection of location and detailed design to commence.
Lessons Learnt
· Project delivered on time and as planned – through detailed work plan and scope set out, which was delivered against.
· Smaller team and more scope for wider industry engagement
· Workshops held over Miro worked well at collecting input from a wide range of stakeholders quickly without the prominent members talking over the views of others
· 1:1 interviews worked well to get each stakeholders perspectives and quickly narrow down scope and areas of conflict which were then addressed through a group workshop to reach final scope.
· Future work should focus on industry engagement (Funders, OEMs, site locations and GDNs/ENA)
Having a presentation which provided a high-level summary of the executive summary, which summaries a detailed report, helped breakdown the complexities of the project to influence/engage senior stakeholders more easily.